January 2015 Field Visit – Fivebough Swamp

Welcome to the first ‘official’ monthly blog post of Riverina Wildlife. My goal is to post one field trip report per month, interspersed with any incidental sightings or items of interest I’d like to share in between (more information about my posting schedule can be found here). It being the 31st I’m just getting this one in under the wire for January.

On Wednesday I visited Fivebough Swamp, one half of the Ramsar-listed Fivebough & Tuckerbil Wetlands at Leeton. Fivebough and Tuckerbil are two naturally-occurring shallow swamps, located about 10km apart, to the north-east and north-west of Leeton.  Fivebough is a permanent, but fluctuating, fresh-brackish wetland, whilst Tuckerbil is a seasonal, shallow, brackish-saline wetland. Tuckerbil is being managed primarily for waterbird conservation, and amongst other things is an important brolga flocking area, and so is not open to the public. Fivebough, on the other hand, is being managed for both conservation and community education and has a permanent walking trail installed in the south-western part of the swamp, complete with interpretive signage, bird hides, viewing mounds and seating; there’s also a covered picnic area near the carpark.

In October 2002 Fivebough and Tuckerbil were jointly recognised as a Wetland of International Importance under the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance. You can find a list of all Ramsar wetlands in Australia here.

As it is World Wetlands Day next Monday (February 2nd – the date on which the Ramsar Convention was originally signed in 1971) I thought Fivebough was a good choice for January’s field trip.

Fivebough Swamp – a Ramsar listed wetland

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Adventures in roadside birding

Here are some incidental bird sightings I’ve had in the last couple of days as I’ve been driving around for work.

There were two of these just rising from the roadside at Oberne as I went past. Sadly, by the time I got my camera out they were too far for good photos or accurate ID. Large, mottled brown raptors, at my best guess possibly swamp harriers.

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And yesterday morning, a few kilometres from Griffith, a bunch of emus in a paddock. They were still there in the afternoon, and I saw them last week as well, so I’m not sure if they’re wild or belong to the property, but either way emus are always great to see.


Welcome to the Riverina Wildlife blog!

Welcome to my blog!

Riverina Wildlife is a monthly blog that does what it says on the tin: shares photographs and information about the native flora and fauna of the Riverina region of New South Wales, Australia. Why? Because I enjoy going out and seeing what plants, animals, fungi, and other lifeforms live their lives around me, and I’d like to share what I see with other people who might live elsewhere, or have less opportunity to get out and about, or who simply have less knowledge of what they’re seeing when they visit natural spaces.

I intend to post at least one full field trip report each month. These will be interspersed with ‘snapshot’ posts about incidental sightings and anything else I get really excited about and just have to share straight away. At this stage I have no plans to post on any particular day of the week or month, so I’m afraid I can’t tell you when would be the best time to check back for updates – this may change over time, if I find myself falling into a regular posting schedule.

Find out more.

To welcome you, here is a koala in a river red gum, taken last year at Narrandera Wildlife Reserve:
